#Eat that frog with a Pomodoro ;

3 min readApr 16, 2021

“Procrastination is like a credit card: it’s a lot of fun until you get the bill”

Procrastination is delaying or postponing our important task. When we are delayed in our important tasks, in the end, we go through a lot of pressure that affects our mental as well as physical health 💊 .when any task is assigned to a procrastinator first, he counts down the days of its submission, next step he analyzed the days in which he will complete the task. Then he found 🔍 that this task is quite easy and simple and it takes a very litter time to complete. When he sees the task at the distance it looks like a litter particle of sand and with time this particle changes into a beautiful and attractive peak, that cause a lot of fun at the end time.

To outcome, the procrastination, one of the great man Francesco Cirillo develop a time management technique that is called the “Pomodoro technique”.

In this technique, we break our assigned task into parts. Then give 25minutes to each part of the given task with a short break of 5 to 10mintues. This helps us to complete our task without any distraction during our task. And enable us to complete our task on time.

Task to be done;

In the coming week, my midterm exam 📝 will take place. This is my preparation week for my exams. So, I completed the preparation of one of my subject with the Pomodoro technique. I felt this technique very helpful. Because in less time I completed my task and move to the next one.

First, I decided the subject for preparation then I divided it into 8 parts.

Secondly, I switched off my mobile phone and set the Pomodoro timer, and start working on my first part of the task. I felt some kind of distraction like maybe some important messages from my friends. But I didn’t switch on my phone. I stilled working on my task when the alarm rang, I completed near about 85% of my task. I took a rest for 10 minutes.

Then, I set another alarm and start working. In this time, less distraction came into my mind and I completed 95% of my task.

I repeated this technique 2 more times and completed 50% of my course(4parts), I took a rest of 1hour and then went back to my work.

Then I repeated, these all steps four more times and finally, I completed my syllabus of one subject. I felt very happy after completing my course. This technique helps me a lot in covering my course for my mid-term.


